Published Papers (2014)
[1] Ye L, Yang XS, Guo ES, Lu LL, Cheng WY, Wang Y, Peng PJ, Yan TM, Zhou FY,Liu ZQ*, Sorafenib metabolism is significantly altered in the liver tumor tissue of hepatocellular carcinoma patient. PloS One,09(5):e96664.
[2] Cai Z, Lei XL,Lin ZF,Zhao J, Wu FZ,Yang ZX,Pu JX,Liu ZQ*. Preparation and evaluation of sustained-release solid dispersions co-loading gastrodin with borneol as an oral b rain- targeting enhancer. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B. 2014;4(1):86– 93.
[3] Tang L, Li Y, Chen WY, Zeng S, Dong LN, Peng XJ, Jiang W, Hu M,Liu ZQ*,Breast Cancer Resistance Protein-Mediated Efflux of LuteolinGlucuronides in HeLa Cells Overexpressing UDP-Glucuronosyltransferase 1A9, Pharmaceutical Research, 2014; 31(4):847-60.
[4] Zhu LJ, Lu LL, Guo ES, Wu JJ, Wang Y, Hu M,Liu ZQ*,The influence of aconitine, an active and toxic alkaloid from Aconitum, on the pharmacokinetic of CYP3A probe drug buspirone in rats. Drug Metabolism Letters. doi: 10.2174/1872312808666140505162139, 2014.
Published Papers (2013)
[1]Lu LL, ShiJ, Li Q, Peng XJ, Dong LN, Ye L, Dai PM, Wang Y, Guo ES, Zhou FY,Liu ZQ*.Effects ofLiver Diseases on Drug-metabolizing Enzymes: Implications for Drug FateAlterations and Nano-therapeutic Openings. Current MedicinalChemistry. [Epub ahead of print], 2013 Dec 12.
[2]Ye L, YangXS, Lu LL, Yan TM, Dong LN, Peng XJ, Shi J,Liu ZQ*.Monoester-diterpene aconitumalkaloids metabolism in human liver microsomes: predominant role of CYP3A4 andCYP3A5. Evidence-BasedComplementary and Alternative Medicine, 2013, Accepted.
[3]Tang L, DongL, Peng XJ, Shi J, Zhou FY*,Liu ZQ*.Pharmacokinetic characterization ofoxymatrine and matrine in rats after oral administration of radixSophoraetonkinensis extract and oxymatrine by sensitive and robust UPLC-MS/MSmethod. Journalof Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 83:179-85, 2013.
[4]Ye L, ZengS, Chen WY, Feng Q, Liu W, Tang L,Liu ZQ*.Potential role of ATP-bindingcassette transporters in the intestinal transport of rhein. Foodand Chemical Toxicology, 58:301-5, 2013.
[5]Tang L, LiY, Dong L, Peng XJ, Zeng S,Liu ZQ*.Efflux Kinetics of Mono-glucuronidesand a Novel Diglucuronide of Luteolin by Breast Cancer Resistance Protein inUDP-Glucuronosyltransferase 1A9-Overexpressing HeLa Cells. PharmaceuticalResearch, 2013, Accepted.
[6]Ye L,Shi J, Wan SH; Yang XS, Wang Y, Zhang JJ, Zheng DY*,Liu ZQ*Development and validation of a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometrymethod for topotecan determination in beagle dog plasma and its application ina bioequivalence study.Biomedical Chromatography, 27(11): 1532-9, 2013.
[7]Cai Z, HuangJ,Luo H, Lei L, Yang ZQ,Yang M, Hu M,Liu ZQ*Role of glucose transporter in theintestinal absorption ofgastrodin, a highly water-soluble phenolic glucosidefor brain diseases. Journal of Drug Targeting, 21(6):574-80, 2013
[8]Cheng ZX, WuJJ,Liu ZQ*,Lin N* Development of a Hydrophilic interaction chromatography-ultraperformance liquid chromatography assay to determine trigonelline in rat plasmaand its application in a pharmacokinetic study.Chinese Journalof Natural Medicine, 11(2):164-70, 2013.
[9]Ye L, YangXS, Yang Z, Gao S, YinTJ, Liu W, Wang F,Zhao J, Hu M*,Liu ZQ*.The role of efflux transporters onthe transport of highly toxic aconitine, mesaconitine, hypaconitine, and theirhydrolysates, as determined in cultured Caco-2 and MDR1-MDCKII cells. ToxicologyLetters.216(2-3):86-99,2013.
[10]Zhu LJ,Yang XS, Zhou J,Tang L,Xia BJ, Hu M, Zhou FY*,Liu ZQ*.Determining the effects of aconitineon Cytochrome P450 3A activity in rats using a novel ultra performance liquidchromatography-tandem mass spectrometric method of a specific probe buspirone.Foodand Chemical Toxicology.51:396-403, 2013.
[11]Fan YF,Tang L, Zhou J, Feng Q, Xia BJ,Liu ZQ*.Simultaneous Determination ofSulfation and Glucuronidation of Flavones in FVB Mouse Intestine in Vitro andin Vivo, Journalof Applied Toxicology. 33(4):273-80, 2013.
Published Papers (2012)
[1]Xia BJ, Zhou Q, Zheng JJ, Ye L, Hu M*,Liu ZQ*. A Novellocal recycling mechanism that enhances enteric bioavailability of flavonoidsand prolongs their residence time in the gut. MolecularPharmaceutics.9(11):3246-58, 2012.
[2]Liu W, FengQ, Li Y, Ye L, Hu M*,Liu ZQ*.Coupling ofUDP-glucuronosyltransferases and multidrug resistance-associated proteins isresponsible for the intestinal disposition and poor bioavailability of emodin. Toxicologyand Applied Pharmacology. 265(3):316-24, 2012.
[3]Zhao J, SuC, Yang CP, Su WW,Liu ZQ*. Determination of ginsenosides Rb1,Rb2, and Rb3 in rat plasma by a rapid and sensitive liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry method: Application in a pharmacokinetic study. Journalof Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis.64-65:94-7, 2012.
[4]Zheng ZJ,Yan TM, Chen WY, Ye L, Tang L,Liu ZQ*, Pharmacokinetic Determination ofEphedrine in HerbaEphedrae and Wu Tou Tang Decoctions in Rats Using UltraPerformance Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Xenobiotica. 42(8):775-83,2012.
[5]Xia B, LiuX, Zhou Q,Feng Q, Li Y, Liu W,Liu ZQ*. Disposition of orally administered apromising chemotherapeutic agent flavopiridol in the intestine. DrugDevInd Pharm. 2012; 10.3109/03639045.2012.682224.
[6]Ye L, SGao, W Liu, Z Y, M Hu*,Liu ZQ*. Development and validation of ahighly sensitive ULPC-MS/MS method for simultaneous determination of aconitine,mesaconitine, hypaconitine, and five of their metabolites in rat blood and itsapplication to a pharmacokinetics study of aconitine, mesaconitine, andhypaconitine. Xenobiotica.42(6):518-25,2012.
[7]Tang L,Feng Q, Yang CH, Zhao J, Liu W,Liu ZQ*. Involvement ofUDP-glucuronosyltranferases and sulfotransferases in the liver and intestinalfirst-pass metabolism of seven flavones in C57 mice and humans in vitro.Foodand Chemical Toxicology. 50(5):1460-7, 2012.
[8]Tang L,Yang CH, Zhou J, Xia Bj, Hu M,Liu ZQ*. Systematic studies of sulfation andglucuronidation of 12 flavonoids in the mouse liver S9 fraction reveals bothunique and shared positional preferences. Journal ofAgricultural and Food Chemistry. 60(12):3223-33, 2012.
[9]Fan YF, XieY, Liu L, Ho HM, Wong YF,Liu ZQ*, Zhou H*. Paeoniflorin reduced acutetoxicity of aconitine in rats is associated with the pharmacokinetic alterationof aconitine. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 141(2):701-8,2012.
[10]Tang L, LvC, Gong Y, Ye L, Liu L,Liu ZQ*. Pharmacokinetics of aconitine as thetargeted marker of Fuzi (Aconitum carmichaeli) following single and multipleoral administrations of Fuzi extracts in rat by UPLC/MS/MS Journalof Ethnopharmacology, 141(2):736-41, 2012.
Published Papers (2011)
[1]Cai Z, Song XG, Sun F, Yang ZX, Hou SX,Liu ZQ*. Formulationand evaluation of in situ gelling systems for intranasal administration ofgastrodin.AAPSPharmaSciTech. 12(4):1102-9,2011.
[2]Ye L, WangT, Yang CH, Tang L, Zhou J, Lv C, Gong Y, Jiang ZH,Liu ZQ*Microsomal cytochrome P450 mediated metabolism of hypaconitine, anactive and highly toxic constituent derived from Aconitum species. ToxicologyLetters,204 : 81-91,2011.
[3]Yang CH,Tang L, Lv C, Ye L, Xia BJ, Hu M,Liu ZQ*. Sulfation of selectedmono-hydroxyflavones by sulfotransferases in vitro: a species and gendercomparison.Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 63: 967–970, 2011.
[4]Ye L, WangT, Tang L, Liu W, Zhen Y, Zhou J, Zheng ZJ, Cai Z, M Hu,Liu ZQ*. Poor oralbioavaibility of a promising anticancer gentandrographolide is due to extensivemetabolism and efflux by P-glycoprotein. Journal ofPharmaceutical Sciences, 100(11):5007-5017, 2011.
[5]Tang L, YeL, Lv C, Zheng ZJ, Gong Y,Liu ZQ*. Involvement of CYP3A4/5 and CYP2D6in the metabolism of aconitine using human liver microsomes and recombinantCYP450 enzymes.Toxicology Letters, 202: 47-54,2011.
[6]Liu W,Zheng Z, Liu X, Gao S, Ye L, Yang Z, Hu M,Liu ZQ*. Sensitive and robust UPLC-MS/MSmethod to determine the gender-dependent pharmacokinetics in rats of emodin andits glucuronide.Journal of Pharmaceutical and BiomedicalAnalysis.54:1157-1162, 2011.
[7]Ye L, TangL, Gong Y, Lv C, Zheng ZJ, Jiang ZH,Liu ZQ*. Characterization of metabolites andhuman P450 isoforms involved in the microsomal metabolism of mesaconitine.Xenobiotica. 41(1):46-58,2011.
Published Papers (2010)
[1]Tang L, Ye L, Singh R, Wu BJ, Lv C, ZhaoJ,Liu ZQ*, Hu M*. Use of glucuronidationfingerprinting to describe and predictmono-and di-hydroxyflavonemetabolism by recombinant UGT isoforms and humanintestinal and liver microsomes.Molecular Pharmaceutics. 7(3):664-79,2010.
[2]Zhou Q,Zheng ZJ, Xia BJ, Tang L, Lv C, Liu W,Liu ZQ*,Hu M*. Use of isoform-specific UGT metabolism todetermine rates and profiles of glucuronidation of wogonin and oroxylin A byhuman liver and intestinal microsomes.PharmaceuticalResearch.27(8):1568-83, 2010.
[3]Liu W, TangL, Ye L, Cai Z, Xia BJ, Zhang JJ, Hu M*,Liu ZQ*. Species and gender differencesaffect the metabolism of emodin via glucuronidation. TheAAPS Journal. 2(3):424-36, 2010.
[4]Cai Z, WangY, Zhu LJ,Liu ZQ*.Nanocarriers: a general strategy for enhancement of oral bioavailabilityof poorly absorbed or pre-systemically metabolized drugs.Current Drug Metabolism,11,197-207,2010.
[5]Singh R, WuB, Tang L,Liu ZQ*, Hu M*. Identification of the position of mono-O-glucuronide of flavonesand flavonols by analyzing shift in online UV spectrum (lambdamax) generatedfrom an online diode array detector. Journal ofAgricultural and Food Chemistry.58, 9384-9395, 2010.
[6]Xiao L,ZhangY,Liu ZQ*, Yang M, Pu L, Pan DF. Synthesis of the cyanine 7 labeledneutrophil-specific agents for noninvasive near infrared fluorescence imaging. Bioorganic& Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 20(12):3515-7, 2010.